
  • A.I. Maksymenko Poltava State Medical University



HIV infection, children, diseases of the oral cavity


The aim of the study was to analyze the features of clinical manifestations of HIV infection in the oral cavity in children. Research methods. Analysis and generalization of literature data about the features of clinical manifestations of HIV infection in the oral cavity in children. Scientific novelty. Systematization of medical and diagnostic aspects of lesions of the oral mucosa, salivary glands and periodontal tissues, which affect the course of the disease. This will allow to develop a pathogenetic scheme of treatment and prevention measures, which will improve the quality of life of HIV-infected children. Conclusions. Candidal stomatitis is diagnosed in most AIDS patients (up to 75%) and manifests in several clinical forms: angular cheilitis, erythematous, hyperplastic or pseudomembranous candidiasis. It is believed to be suspected of having HIV infection and requires laboratory testing for HIV if there is the “sudden” development of candidiasis in children who have not previously received antibiotics or corticosteroids. Bacterial infections in HIV-infected children are often caused by associations of various pathogens (fusospirochetes, streptococci and staphylococci). Manifestations of these infections can be gingivitis, HIV-necrotic lesions of the gums or mucous membranes of the cheeks, palate, HIV-chronic periodontitis. Viral infections often contribute to lesions of the oral mucosa in HIV-infected patients. Among the viral infections in the clinical symptoms of HIV-infected people are lesions of the oral mucosa caused by the herpes simplex virus. “Hairy” leukoplakia occurs in 98% of HIV patients and is a marker of the disease. The origin of “hairy” leukoplakia is associated with a high level of replication of Epstein- Barr virus in the epithelial cells of the tongue. Salivary gland damage in children with HIV is much more common than in adults. They increase and swell, hyperplastic changes appear.


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How to Cite

Максименко, А. (2021). CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF HIV INFECTION IN THE ORAL CAVITY IN CHILDREN. Stomatological Bulletin, 115(2), 69–73.

