



children, malocclusion, аnomalies of the dental arches


Epidemiologic surveys of children conducted in different regions of Ukraine indicate a high prevalence of malocclusion in all age groups. Among the risk factors that influent on the formation of malocclusion in childhood, somatic pathology, environmental, hereditary, in particular, social and domestic factors play an important role, as they have a significant impact on dental health. Malocclusion that are not detected and eliminated at the stage of formation in the temporary and mixed dentition develop into severe forms in the permanent dentition. In this regard, it is important to identify early onset of malocclusion and its risk factors in children. Residents of boarding schools are a category of children who require a special approach in this regard, as a significant number of them have a burdened heredity, congenital or acquired at early stages of development, somatic and mental pathology. Therefore, studying and analyzing the prevalence of malocclusion, in particular anomalies of the dental arches, among different groups of children, and especially among children from boarding schools, should be the basis for predicting and preventing severe forms of malocclusion. The purpose of the study is to study the prevalence of anomalies of the dental arches in children from boarding schools. Research methods. To study the prevalence of malocclusion, we examined 528 children aged 7-12 years who lived and studied in boarding schools in Lviv and the villages of Strilky, Sambir, Zhovtantsi, Lviv region (main group) and 122 children from secondary school No. 1 from Lviv, who made up the control group. The nature of malocclusion was assessed according to the classification of Kalvelis D.A. (1957). Scientific novelty. It was determined that the prevalence of malocclusion in children from boarding schools is significantly higher (84.09±1.59 %) compared to children from general education schools (66.39±4.28 %). Most often, anomalities of the dental arches are found in children with malocclusion: in the main group – in 93.35 % of the subjects, in the control group – in 60.49 %. Among children of the main group with anomalies of the position of individual teeth, oral position is found, on average, in 18.34±6.39 %, vestibular position – in 16.89±6, 19 %, tortoversion – in 15.92±6.10 %, supraocclusion – in 8.21±4.48 %, mesial position – in 7.10±4.36 %, distal position – in 5.63±3.69 %, infraocclusion – in 3.10±2.46 %, and transposition – in 1.14±1.12 %. The results of the study show that crowding of teeth both in the upper and lower jaws was detected somewhat more often (6.52±3.88 % and 15.35±6.08 %, respectively) in children of the main group compared to children of the control group. Among the anomalies of the dental arches, narrowing (12.20±5.29 %) and V-shaped dentition (10.44±5.24 %) dominate. Conclusions. The results of the study indicate a high prevalence of anomalies of the dental arches in the structure of orthodontic pathology in children of boarding schools, which is 93.35 %. The obtained data indicate an urgent need for orthodontic treatment in children of this category and the need for early detection of risk factors for the formation of malocclusion.


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How to Cite

Чухрай, Н., Мартовлос, О., Машкаринець, О., Дубецька-Грабоус, І., & Фур, М. (2023). АNOMALIES OF THE DENTAL ARCHES IN STUCTURE OF MALOCCLUSION IN CHIKDREN FROM OF BOARDING INSTITUTIONS. Stomatological Bulletin, 122(1), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-47-1.2




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