
  • Yu.G. Chumakova
  • V.S. Chernets



benign tumors, fibroma, papilloma, mucocele, epulis, human papillomavirus


Among oral benign tumors papilloma, fibroma, hemangioma and lymphangioma are most common. The tumor-like lesions of periodontal tissues include epulis, the tumor-like lesions of the minor salivary glands include the mucocele. Almost all these diseases are interpreted as reactive (proliferative) lesions, since the main cause of them is chronic trauma. Purpose of the study. To determine the frequency, structure and location of oral benign tumors and tumor-like lesions in persons of different ages. Research methods. Examination and surgical removal of benign tumors or tumor-like lesions was carried out in 46 patients aged 3 to 84 years. Histological study of biopsy material have been carried out. In patients with papilloma, the material was tested for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA genotype. Results. The following proliferative lesions were identified in 46 patients: fibroma – in 21.7% of cases, papilloma (papillomatosis) – 26.1%, hemangioma – 4.4%, mucocele – 13.0%, various forms of epulis – 34.8%. Among patients, the majority were women (80.4%) and young people: 18–29 years – 23.9%, 30–44 years – 30.4%. By location, lesions are most often found on the gingiva and alveolar mucosa of the maxilla – 21.7%, on the gingival and alveolar mucosa of the mandible – 23.9% and on the tongue – 19.6%. 4 out of 12 patients with papilloma (33.3%) were proven to have HPV. Epulis was found in 16 women, most of whom (68.8%) were young (up to 44 years). Among them were 4 pregnant women in the II–III trimesters of pregnancy. When analyzing the coincidences of the previous clinical diagnosis in each patient and the results of the histological examination of the removed neoplasm, no coincidence of diagnoses was established in 8 of 46 patients, which amounted to 17.4%. Conclusions. Epulis (34.8%) and papilloma (26.1%) predominated in the structure of oral benign tumors and tumor-like lesions. HPV-associated squamous papilloma as well as keratopapiloma should be considered as precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa with a high risk of malignancy.


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How to Cite

Чумакова, Ю., & Чернець, В. (2023). CLINICAL AND TOPOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF ORAL BENIGN TUMORS AND TUMOR-LIKE LESIONS. Stomatological Bulletin, 123(2), 59–66.

