
  • N. L. Сhukhray Danylo Halytskiy Lviv National Medical University


children, oral liquid, enamel resistance


The aim of our investigation of indicators of phosphoric-calcium exchange in the oral liquid of children with different levels of enamel resistance. Matherial and methods of research. In the research there have been conducted investigation of the concentration of the main inorganic components of oral liquid (total calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, iron) and the activity of alkaline phos-phatase of 233 children 7, 9, 12 and 15 years. Result of the research. The results of received data showed that 7-year-old children with caries resistant enamel have signifi-cantly higher calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase ac-tivity (17.71 %, 19.11 % and 37.88 %, respectively) in relation to the indicator of children in which enamel is caries-susceptible. It was established that the value of Ca / P coeffi-cient does not change depending on the resistance of the enamel and is 0.41± 0.04, which is explained by simultaneous decrease of the calcium and phosphorus content in the oral liquid of chil-dren with enamel susceptible to dental caries. In the group of 9-year-old children with caries-resistant enamel it was revealed a significant increasing of calcium and alkaline phosphatase (by 16.34 % and 48.07 %,) in the oral liquid and decreasing content of inorganic phosphorus (by 21.93 %) in relation to children with caries-susceptible enamel. Such correlation of calcium and phosphorus in the oral liquid causes a significantly higher cal-cium-phosphorus index in children with caries-resistant enamel (0.69±0.06) in relation to the index of children with caries-susceptible enamel (0.47±0.03), p<0.01. Also it was found an unreliable decreasing in the content of magnesium and iron with a decrease of enamel resistance.
It was estimated that in 12-year-old children with caries-resistant enamel yje content of calcium and magnesium in oral liquid on 14,74 % and 11,21 %, responsibly higher comparing to the children with caries-susceptible enamel. It was found that with the decreasing enamel resistance to the carious process re-duces the activity of alkaline phosphatase and improperly in-creases the content of inorganic phosphorus, resulting in de-creasing of calcium-phosphorus coefficient only on 9,76 %. In-stead, in children of this age, for the formation of a caries re-sistant-enamel, there is a significantly higher content of iron, whereas the decreasing of this element is characteristic for per-sons with enamel, susceptible to carious process. It was found that in the oral liquid of 15-year-old children with caries-resistant enamel, content of calcium was only on 8.02% higher, phosphorus on 9.03 % lower comparing to the same index in children with caries-susceptible enamel. The calcium-phosphorus coefficient was on 16.22 % higher in children with caries-resistant enamel. In children of this age with enamel re-sistant to dental caries, were revealed significantly higher level of magnesium (28.07 %), iron (83.13 %) and alkaline phospha-tase activity (30.68 %) to children with enamel, susceptible to carious process.
Conclusions. Thus, results of carried out investigation have showed that in children of 9-15 years the condition for for-mation of caries-resistant enamel is saturation of the oral liquid with calcium, magnesium, iron, increased activity of alkaline phosphatase and low content of inorganic phosphorus. Under the influence of decreased content of calcium, magnesium, iron and alkaline phosphatase activity and high content of inorganic phosphorus, a caries-susceptable enamel is formed. Instead, in 7-year-old children the caries-resistant enamel is formed in the presence of saturation of the oral liquid with calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, iron and increased activity of alkaline phosphatase.


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