
  • N.P. Mahlynets Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • Z.R. Ozhogan Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • V.P. Pyuryk Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University



gum recession, orthodontic treatment, vestibuloplasty


The aim of the study is to increase the effectiveness of comprehensive treatment of patients with pathological occlusion and existing, highly attached, connective tissue strands in the area of canines and premolars by orthodontic and surgical treatment. Research methods. 60 patients with pathological occlusion and violation of the architecture of the vestibule of the mouth were examined and treated. Patients of group I (30 people) underwent rehabilitation of the oral cavity and orthodontic treatment with fixed structures, patients of group II (30 people) treatment was supplemented by surgical correction of tendons by frenuloplasty and vestibuloplasty, proposed by us. A clinical study was performed, where the main point was the detection of recession of the gums in the area of connective tissue strands and bridle of the lip and the presence of changes in periodontal tissues. X-ray examination - in order to detect changes in the density and thickness of the bone structure of the jaw bones, followed by modeling of 3D-models of the facial skull. We compared the changes in the position of the teeth on plaster models and the indicators of the photoprotocol before treatment, after treatment. Scientific novelty. In patients who underwent surgical correction of the soft tissues of the vestibule of the mouth in the complex treatment, the quantitative rate of recession of the gums differed significantly from those in group I patients. Computed tomography data showed changes in the density and thickness of the bone structure of the jaw bones in areas of gum recession. 3D-models of the facial skull and dental-maxillary system, evaluation of gypsum models of dentitions confirmed the radiological characteristics. Conclusions. Vestibuloplasty is an important stage in the complex treatment of patients with dental and maxillary anomalies and the presence of anomalies in the architecture of the vestibule of the mouth. After active orthodontic treatment with fixed structures and vestibuloplasty and frenuloplasty, the development of destructive processes in the periodontium, in particular, recession of the gums, is prevented.


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How to Cite

Махлинець, Н., Ожоган, З., & Пюрик, В. (2021). MUCOGINGIVAL PLASTICS AS PREVENTION OF GUM RETESSION IN PATIENTS WITH DENTAL AND JAW ANOMALIES. Stomatological Bulletin, 117(4), 58–61.

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