



children, dental caries, temporary teeth, malocclusion


The condition of the hard tissues of the temporary teeth significantly affects the development of the child's dentoalveolar system. Carious lesions of the occlusal and proximal surfaces of the temporary teeth, premature loss of them are the causes not only of the formation of malocclusion and deformations, but also of disturbances of mastication and speech functions, which leads to a decrease in self-esteem and impaired adaptation of the child in society and is a negative factor in the formation of his personality. All this determines the need for preventive measures and timely treatment of dental caries. The purpose of the investigation is to study the prevalence and intensity of dental caries of the temporary teeth in children with malocclusion. Research methods. There were examined 720 children aged 6-12 years from Lviv with the aim to assess the condition of the hard-dental tissues. Dental caries damage of the temporary teeth was assessed according to the following indicators: prevalence (in %) and intensity of dental caries according to the df index. The nature of malocclusion was assessed according to the classifications of E. Angle (1889) and D.A. Kalvelis. Scientific novelty. In this study, dental caries damage of the temporary teeth in children with malocclusion was studied. It was established that, on average, the prevalence and intensity of dental caries of the temporary teeth in children with malocclusion are significantly higher compared to children without malocclusion. As a result of the analysis of the index of caries intensity of tooth surfaces, it was found that, on average, one child with malocclusion has 6.73 tooth surfaces, while one child without malocclusion has 4.29 tooth surfaces. On average, on one child with malocclusion corresponds 0.98 temporary tooth with complicated caries, while on one child without malocclusion corresponds 78.18 % less. The number of prematurely removed temporary teeth, on average, was 0.26 temporary tooth per child with malocclusion and 0.07 tooth per child without malocclusion. Conclusions. Thus, the obtained data show that there is a relationship between the presence of dental caries of the temporary teeth and the formation of malocclusion in children in early and late mixed dentition, as well as the need to motivate parents to preserve the dental health of children. A child's tendency to caries of the temporary teeth may indicate a possible tendency to the formation of malocclusion due to the presence of mineral metabolism disorders in the whole body, in particular in the ecosystem of the oral cavity, which determines the relevance of further research.


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How to Cite

Смоляр, Н., & Лесіцький, М. (2023). FEATURES OF PHOSPHORUS-CALCIUM METABOLISM IN THE ORAL FLUID OF CHILDREN WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ENAMEL RESISTANCE AND MALOCCLUSION. Stomatological Bulletin, 122(1), 2–8. https://doi.org/10.35220/2078-8916-2023-47-1.1




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